Epo Agent For Mac
Run McAfee Virtual Technician or other diagnostic tools to troubleshoot issues. Customer Community. Ask questions, share information, and get help from other McAfee customers. McAfee SNS Weekly Roundup (December 4) (12/4/2018) The SNS Weekly Roundup for December 4, 2018, is now available. For Mac (UAH), download the zip file and copy it to the desktop of your UAH-Owned. Inside the zip file is the documentation and McAfee ePO Agent software. Support for Native Mac OS X 64-bit. Installer improvements. Optional SysCore - McAfee Agent 5.0.5 and later will not deploy SysCore; however, the Agent will continue to use SysCore if it is already available on the system. RPM installation for Red Hat Linux devices.
I'm trying to do the same thing. I have ePO4.0 with Patch 2 installed and I have loaded up the Agent for Mac (4.0) and VirusScan 8.6.1 into my ePO. But I can't get my agents to work. I was trying to deploy a mac agent to my test mac I have but I don;t get an option for it. I only get a Windows agent option. So then I tried just installing the agent right on the mac so I could at least manage it.

I went through the install and it completed successfully but then in the readme it said to open the Terminal and run a bunch of commands. I'm really a novice when it comes to mac so I'm sure I didnt do this last step correctly.
Can anyone post exactly the steps that need to be done to get the mac agents to work correctly? You need to pull the agent of off your epo server.
Epo Agent For Mac Download
On EPO 4.0 agent for mac is probably under C: Program Files McAfee ePolicy Orchestrator DB Software Current EPOAGENT3700MACX Install 0409 The file you are looking for is install.sh, that is the MAC agent equivilant to the windows Framepkg.exe. I recommend removing any old agents or antivirus software prior to installing. I usually reboot also after the install. FYI, there are several hotfixes for 8.6.1 and you can import them into epo and epo will deploy.
Also there is only one Mcafee Agent policy for both MAC and Windows and the Mcafee Agent Update task works for Windows and MAC. So far I only the had the problem on one MAC 10.5 system not showing up. I have loaded the agent on 12 other machines and they all worked fine. You do need to remember that the EPO 4.0 agents for Windows and MAC by default give no access to the port. If you have it enabled in the policy for any computer ito access this port on the host it may take up to 5 minutes for the policy to kick in the first time and change the ability for you to access the box on 8081. Thanks for the info.
I have tried this on another mac in our test environment and still no luck. I did pull the install.sh file from the location you mentioned and ran the following commands which were in the readme file. I also rebooted after the install.
Copy the file install.sh from the repository selected in the previous step to the target Macintosh client(s). Log on to the target client as “root”.
On the client, open Terminal, then switch to the location to which install.sh was copied. Run the command: chmod +x install.sh - Run the command:./install.sh -i Anything else you can think of that maybe you did differently?
Saw this in the SNS update: McAfee Agent 5.0.5 is now available. This release includes new features, fixes, and enhancements including:. Bug fixes - see the Release Notes for details. Support for Microsoft Windows 10 Creators Update.
Support for Native Mac OS X 64-bit. Installer improvements. Optional SysCore - McAfee Agent 5.0.5 and later will not deploy SysCore; however, the Agent will continue to use SysCore if it is already available on the system. RPM installation for Red Hat Linux devices. Custom Properties Enhancements – Added four additional custom properties (eight total now) and access protection Big deal that this doesn't include SYSCore, as that's been the source of many headaches with incompatibilities.
Release notes here:.